Venom the spin of Movie-verse of Spiderman now has its second installment. Was the Carnage enough to wet the appetite of Marvel fans?

Venom 1 was a surprise hit for Sony raking in almost 900 million back in 2018. With Sony being able to score a win from the jaws of defeat with the first one, did Venom 2 benefit from having a blue print of the kind of movie they wanted to make this go around? Hear the full break down here. Just Been Revoked Podcast
Mr. Rhace
I'm keeping this short like this damn movie. I may sound like a DC-loving-Marvel-hating fan boy here but if I am being honest the movie in its entirety was bad. The best part was of course the end credit scene. Simply because it had nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Sadly it is only the best part because its borrows from a superior movie's ending, Spider-Man: Far from Home. Venom: Let there be Carnage was a huge inconvenience to watch and if I didn't have to review it I would never watch this carnage, excuse me I mean garbage. Just Been Revoked (1/5)
Tom Legaci
Man, this movie is somehow better and worse than I expected it to be. I saw this movie in just about the worst state a person could. The projector broke twice during the movie, TWICE. Strangely, I found the movie to be more engaging when the picture went away. It became like a well produced movie podcast…The projector was down so long that someone started doing shadow puppets to accompany the audio that was still playing. Boy did I really miss those shadow puppets when that screen came back on. Despite how unfunny and droll this movie was, the audience was there for it. Laughing at every dumb one liner that Venom says like calling someone a "dick". Truly riveting stuff. Many reviews so far have been comparing Venom 1 to Venom 2 , but to me that is like comparing The Room to Sharknado. There’s something way more magical about watching something bad that was intended to be good. As opposed to genetically engineering it to be bad from the beginning. You just lose the spark, and all the magic of something desperately aiming for heights that remains out of reach. There is no trying here, it just is. You can even feel it in the rap song at the end credits. Eminem, normally reliable for dropping hot bars, delivered an oddly catchy turd at the end of the first Venom with a song appropriately titled...Venom. Naturally with the corporate machine that is Venom 2 you’d expect the capitalism gods would go back to the proverbial money well and return with another set of Hot Eminem bars for the masses. Instead the bull shit they literally shat out for Venom 2 is something called Last One Standing and my man is the 4th person on this track behind Skylar Grey, Polo G and something called Mozzy. Like I get it my dude, you don’t wanna be here. But then why did you agree to do this? What in the fuck is this?! No one forced you to shit this out into an Iphone 11 cell phone recording whenever you had a free second. Eminem literally sounds half asleep on this track and I feel like this extends to just about everything else when it comes to this movie. But the biggest reveal for me was when the mentally handicapped person sitting next to me kept relentlessly clapping. Not once or twice mind you, just about every five minutes when venom did something, anything! And suddenly I realized who this movie was for. And you know what, I’m fine with that. There should be movies out there for everyone. And this guy along with many others found himself in Venom. I give this a “Yes this deserves to die and I hope this burns in hell.” (-1/5)
Chris G
Allow me to put the final bullet in this mofo. What is this movie if not the Iron Man 2 for the Sony Venom-verse. Everyone, and I mean everyone, went to see this ONLY because of the “leaked “ end credits. Lets be honest for a moment, we all know that Sony wanted this leak. For what other reason would they show this top secret end credit 2 weeks before its release in a fan screening.? This was all part of their marketing master plan to convert marvel hype into seats. All credit due because it worked...on weekend 1. Best part of the movie is some of the one liner moments Venom has. Yes I did laugh at a couple, funny is funny and there is no taking that away. Worst moment has to be the big bad Venom vs Carnage fight, or lack there of. Venom 1 had a better fight, Secret life of Pet’s 2 had a better fight. The Guilty on Netflix had a better fight, and that fight is herd over a phone call. Why did this hit me wrong way, maybe cause symbiote vs symbiote with zero stakes leaves me underwhelmed. Over all this move is a Nice Try Loa Che. Not because of acting, or score, or even cgi… just cause it was pure laziness, and you know what Sony you got me cause I paid for it. And apparently you don't give refunds…cause believe me i tried. (2/5)